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    By: William Gray27th Jan 2025 3:34PMJust to add some more information to this post and photo of the SS. MERNOO, While crossing the bar at 8.45am on the 4th of March 1935,she took a sheer and grazed the South Tiphead the MERNOO was being piloted in to port by the Harbour Master Capt H Cox at the time. some damage was done to the blades of the propeller. Timber was loaded in the forward hold to lift the prop clear of the water so repairs could be carried out. When the MERNOO crossed the bar she was drawing 8ft 6in forward and 12ft 11in aft, and at the time of the bar crossing there was considerable swell on the bar. The MERNOO traded here between 1930 and 1935.
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    Berthing the S.S. Mernoo - the largest vessel to visit Greymouth .1930.

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