`s.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Heather Newby BLAKETOWN TIPHEAD ROAD ,1960.Location (city or town): Blaketown, Greymouth Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn The 1959 Maadi Cup districts hockey team which toured New South Wales and Queensland for four weeks.Contributor: Chris Moriarty Pam Eddy,Coral and Fred Holmes with Kate Thompson ,Catherine Betts , Melbourne. ca.1965Location (city or town): Melbourne Contributor: Val N Merv Brittain GLADSTONE SAWMILL. 30 kilometre Tram System and Staff. *PHOTO ALBUM*Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn ALBUM - GLADSTONE SAWMILL - 30 kilometre Tram System and Staff, New River area.Location (city or town): GLADSTONE Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn How we made toast on the coal range.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Heather Newby Thre Reefton girls who married the Forestry Boys.Location (city or town): Reefton Contributor: Valerie Beavis Johnny ImpeyContributor: Picture Debbie Watson A W Henley, watchmakers, WestportContributor: Simon-Peter Svensson ALBUM - Taafe Family photos.Location (city or town): Reefton Contributor: Mary Ladbrook Hall And Henley, Watchmakers and Jewellers, Palmerston Street, WestportLocation (city or town): Westport Contributor: Simon-Peter Svensson Roy and Ann HynesContributor: Tony Forsyth Harold Stewart and Ernie Taaffe of KotukuContributor: Geoffrey Bell Letter from Jane Haines of Kumara,to her son .1937.Location (city or town): Kumara Contributor: Rusty Pickering OGILVIE SAWMILL GLADSTONE - West Coast. ca.1960's.Location (city or town): Gladstone Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn The Hungerford F, locomotive , GREYMOUTH.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn Harry Clark from Reefton out at the Burkes Creek mine.Location (city or town): Burkes Creek Contributor: Valerie Beavis New Safety Creek bridge, Kopara Road.Location (city or town): Safety Creek Location (city or town): Kopara Contributor: Jim Munden Packing into Haupiri.Location (city or town): Haupiri Contributor: Jim Munden KUMARA.Location (city or town): Kumara Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn BLACKBALL RESIDENTS, Mid Winter Swim for Charity in a flooded Blackball Creek,2016.Location (city or town): Blackball Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn Jackson Bay wharf - servicing the diesel refueller. 1970`s.Location (city or town): Jackson Bay Contributor: Pete King ALBUM - Greymouth hockey team, labled ‘the Colts’.ca.1920`s.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Des O’Leary ALBUM - BLACKBALL - Then and Now.Location (city or town): Blackball Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn ALBUM - Rewanui Mines at the back shunt .Location (city or town): Rewanui Contributor: Moe Bowes A motor-car overwhelmed by flood waters in McDonald's Creek, six miles from Waiho Gorge Hotel.1930.Location (city or town): McDonald's Creek Location (city or town): Waiho Gorge Contributor: Heather Newby ALBUM - While cleaning up at Paroa School over the holidays we have stumbled across an amazing family tree.Location (city or town): Paroa Contributor: Holly Briggs Wayne Gladstone,Chris Williams,Cliff McDonnell, Bill Findlay,Barry Harcourt - Greymouth Harrier Club.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Chris Williams Snowy RobinsonContributor: Peter Lusk ALBUM - Don Hartill and I had a good day finding mines and return air ways .Contributor: Moe Bowes West Coast Motor Bodies Tradesmen - Mid 1950sContributor: Allan Boote Jaguar, Ford cars out the back of Boote's Milkbar, Runanga.Contributor: Allan Boote Adam Boote fishing off the 17 mile rockContributor: Allan Boote ALBUM - Ian Boote, West Coast Sports Center , Mackay St ,Greymouth.Early 1970`s.Location (city or town): Greymouth Location (city or town): Mackay St Contributor: Allan Boote Burnham CMT - Ian H Boote on the right. .ca. 1953.Location (city or town): Burhnam Contributor: ian H Boote ALBUM - Pit ponies and Miners at Liverpool State Mine No.2. 1928.Location (city or town): LiVERPOOL Contributor: GH Builders St. Patrick's Church, Chapel Street, Greymouth - Sisters of Mercy Centennial.1982.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn ALBUM - BROWNING PASS - GREENSTONE, SHEEP, GOLD TRAIL.Location (city or town): BROWNING PASS Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn Carved artifact found in deep earth beneath an old building Revell Street.Hokitika.Location (city or town): Hokitika Contributor: Nana Anthea-Rose Harold Newby with oldest daughter Janet in back yard in (city or town): Blaketown, Greymouth Contributor: Heather Newby ON THE ROSS ROAD, SOUTH WESTLAND.1907.Location (city or town): Ross Contributor: Heather Newby Workers erecting a power pole to provide electricity for the Ross Flats electric water pumps.Location (city or town): Ross Contributor: Heather Newby ALBUM - A deer stalking expedition into the rugged country at the head of the Whitcombe River, Westland.1938.Location (city or town): Whitcombe River Contributor: Heather Newby Two Christchurch girls camping in the Arawata Valley.1938.Location (city or town): Arawata Valley Contributor: Heather Newby The construction of the pipe line on the Westland goldmining syndicate's property, near Lake Kanieri.1929.Location (city or town): Kaniere Contributor: Heather Newby Berthing the S.S. Mernoo - the largest vessel to visit Greymouth .1930.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Heather Newby The S.S. Arahura entering the Grey River,Greymouth.1914.Location (city or town): Greymouth Contributor: Heather Newby ALBUM - INSIDE THE LAST SIBERIA COAL MINE.Location (city or town): SIBERIA Contributor: Tony Kokshoorn ALBUM - Coaches fording the flooded Bealey and Waimakariri Rivers .1912.Location (city or town): Bealey Location (city or town): Waimakariri River. Contributor: Heather Newby