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Wilsons / Harris' Hotel ReeftonThe Reefton School of Mines 1886Albert Street under flood - Percy K. Wah with bike.. 1936.Party of deerstalkers returning home.Blaketown lagoon.1862.Dobson Car Rest Home.   -ALBUM-Oddfellows Hall Reefton
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Hall And Henley, Watchmakers and Jewellers, Palmerston Street, WestportRoy and Ann HynesHarold Stewart and Ernie Taaffe of KotukuLetter from Jane Haines of Kumara,to her son .1937.OGILVIE SAWMILL GLADSTONE - West Coast. ca.1960's.The Hungerford F, locomotive , GREYMOUTH.Harry Clark  from Reefton out at the Burkes Creek mine.New  Safety Creek bridge, Kopara Road.Packing into Haupiri.KUMARA.BLACKBALL RESIDENTS, Mid Winter Swim for Charity in a flooded Blackball Creek,2016. Jackson Bay wharf - servicing the diesel refueller. 1970`s.ALBUM - Greymouth hockey team, labled ‘the Colts’.ca.1920`s.ALBUM - BLACKBALL - Then and Now. ALBUM - Rewanui Mines at the back shunt .A motor-car overwhelmed by flood waters in McDonald's Creek, six miles from Waiho Gorge Hotel.1930.ALBUM - While cleaning up at Paroa School over the holidays we have stumbled across an amazing family tree.Wayne Gladstone,Chris Williams,Cliff McDonnell, Bill Findlay,Barry Harcourt - Greymouth Harrier Club.Snowy RobinsonALBUM - Don Hartill and I had a good day finding mines and return air ways .West Coast Motor Bodies Tradesmen - Mid 1950sJaguar, Ford cars out the back of Boote's Milkbar, Runanga.Adam Boote  fishing off the 17 mile rock ALBUM - Ian Boote, West Coast Sports Center , Mackay St ,Greymouth.Early 1970`s.Burnham CMT - Ian H Boote on the right. .ca. 1953.ALBUM - Pit ponies and Miners at Liverpool State Mine No.2. 1928.St. Patrick's Church, Chapel Street, Greymouth - Sisters of Mercy Centennial.1982.ALBUM - BROWNING PASS - GREENSTONE, SHEEP, GOLD TRAIL. Carved artifact found in deep earth beneath an old  building Revell Street.Hokitika.Harold Newby with oldest daughter Janet in back yard in THE ROSS ROAD, SOUTH WESTLAND.1907.Workers erecting a power pole to provide electricity for the Ross Flats electric water pumps.ALBUM - A deer stalking  expedition into the rugged country at the head of the Whitcombe River, Westland.1938.Two Christchurch girls camping in the Arawata Valley.1938.The construction of the pipe line on the Westland goldmining syndicate's property, near Lake Kanieri.1929.Berthing the S.S. Mernoo - the largest vessel to visit Greymouth .1930.The S.S. Arahura entering the Grey River,Greymouth.1914.ALBUM - INSIDE THE LAST SIBERIA COAL MINE.ALBUM - Coaches fording the flooded Bealey and Waimakariri  Rivers .1912.Coaches leaving the Bealey (over 2000 feet above sea level), on the way to Greymouth.1905.Otira Tunnel Workmen`s huts at Bealey.1911.Changing horses at Bealey.1921.Disastrous landslip at the Bealey end of the Otira Tunnel.1910.Preparing the Bealey entrance to the great Otira tunnel.1910.En route to the Otira Tunnel site - looking down the Waimakariri Gorge from above the Bealey Hotel.1908.The Bealey end of the Otira Tunnel showing Engineers and Workmen at the entrance.Coaches at Bealy Flat Post Office on The Road to the Otira Tunnel .1909.ARTHURS PASS, Summit.1890.The 'torpedo' lemonade bottleThe  Georgina tied along the older part of the Greymouth river  - owned by Frank Freitas .

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